The Most Iconic Female Cards From Yu-Gi-Oh!

Yu-Gi-Oh! is known for many beautiful and powerful female monsters. Some of the best cards in the game’s history are female cards. They have made an impact in the game’s long history. These cards increase the game’s popularity and exposure. Some cards are popular monsters with outstanding designs from the original series.

Furthermore, players often player these cards when they are powerful monsters. Fortune Lady Every and Summon Sorceress are powerful monsters with amazing artwork. They look great in every player’s deck and collection.

In addition, the beautiful artwork of all of the cards in this list increase the demand for these cards. Some female cards have value on the market due to their artwork instead of their effects. Then, some female monsters have a lot of value because they are powerful monsters and they also have stunning artwork.

I have listed the most iconic female cards from Yu-Gi-Oh!. I determine the ranking of each female card for their artwork, popularity, and impact in the game. The list only ranks cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game. The list will not include anime only cards.  

1. Dark Magician Girl

Dark Magician Girl is the most iconic female card in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Players fell in love with this card when the anime introduced her in episode 62 of Yu-Gi-Oh!. Her appearance was a major surprised because we never saw a female Dark Magician before this episode. Yugi won the game with this effect monster.

Dark Magician Girl does not have a great effect. She gains 300 ATK for every Dark Magician and Magician of Black Chaos in both players’ graveyards. She can provide an offensive spark in rare situations. Despite her mediocre effect, she is the most iconic female card in Yu-Gi-Oh! due to artwork and popularity.

Players love Dark Magician Girl because of her beautiful artwork. Dark Magician Girl is widely considered to be one of the hottest cards in the game. Konami has published many alternate artworks of this spellcaster. 

2. Summon Sorceress

Summon Sorceress is one of the strongest Link Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. She was too powerful for the current game, and Konami banned her. She is an iconic female card from the era of Link Monsters.

Summon Sorceress has very good effects. She special summons a monster from your hand to the opponent’s field, and you should always special summon the monster in front of her arrow. She will also special summon any monster from you deck with the same type of monster as the monster on the opponent’s side of the field pointing to her arrow. You can easily play one of your best monsters with her effect.

In addition, Summon Sorceress has good artwork like many female specllasters. She looks amazing as an ultra rare from her release in the OCG. She wears the attractive armor like many spellcasters and wields a magical staff.

3. Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess

Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess is one of the best and most beautiful Link Monsters. She is a an influence card for her effects and artwork. She has stellar artworks for her original card and alternate version.  

Furthermore, Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess has a powerful effect. She negates the action activation of an opponent’s monster’s effect with the cost of 800 of her ATK. She effectively counters the opponent’s strategy and you can avoid an opponent’s effect.  

In addition, Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess is a generic monster. You may play this Link Monster in any deck. Every deck benefits from any effect to negate the activation of the opponent’s monster’s effects.

4, I:P Masquerena

I:P Masquerena is another Link Monster with stellar effects and artwork. She is a great card for any deck with many Link Monsters. Her first effect allows you to link summon a Link Monster during the opponent’s main phase. You have an opportunity to counter the opponent’s strategy. You may play the best Link Monster against the opponent. 

Furthermore, I:P Masquerena also provides protection with her second effect. Her second effect prevents the opponent from destroying your new Link Monster with a card effect if she is material for the Link Monster. The opponent cannot easily destroy your Link monster.

In addition, I:P Masquerena is beautiful artwork. She has an appeal due to her design and poise. Fans of female cards will want her in their collection. 

5. Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal

Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal is one of the best XYZ monsters in the extra deck for Burning Abyss. This XYZ monster provides consistency to the archetype. It is a foolish burial in the form of a monster. Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal sends one card from the deck to the graveyard. She sets up your plays for your monsters with Burning Abyss in their names.

Furthermore, Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal is a rare in Yu-Gi-Oh!. All of her prints have very high rarity to this date. Konami has only printed this effect monster as an gold secret rare, premium secret rare, and Ultra Rare.

6. Fortune Lady Every

Fortune Lady Every is an iconic female card because she is one of the best Synchro Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. She has very powerful effects. One of her best effects is increasing her level by one and banishing an opponent’s monster. She increases her ATK with this effect because her ATK is 400 X her level, and she may remove the opponent’s best monster from the field.

In addition, Fortune Lady Every is a constant threat to the opponent. She special summons herself from the graveyard at the end of the opponent’s end phase. An opponent may destroy her by battle or a card’s effect. Fortune Lady Every returns to the field and is ready to banish another opposing monster on her player’s next turn.

Furthermore, Fortune Lady Every is a pretty card. She has the best artwork among of the Fortune Ladies in my opinion. Her unique design stands out among her archetype.

7. Trickstar Holly Angel

Trickstar Holly Angel is a phenomenal card for Trickstar. She perfectly complements the archetype with all of her effects. She inflicts damage to the opponent. Trickstar Holly Angel protects up to two of your monsters with Trickstar in their names, and she increases her ATK for the turn when your Trickstar’s effect damages the opponent.

In addition, Trickstar Holly Angel can quickly increase her ATK. Many cards in the archetype inflicts damage to the opponent with their card effects. Trickstar Holly Angel becomes a strong monster in battle due to her third effect.

Furthermore, Trickstar Holly Angel is a stunning card. She has beautiful artwork for a Link Monster. She looks amazing as an ultra rare and all of her prints are ultra rare in the TCG to this date.

8. Tour Guide of the Underworld

Tour Guide of the Underworld was one of the best cards when Yu-Gi-Oh! introduced XYZ Monsters. It was an influential card of its time. Every deck with rank three XYZ Monsters played this card because this card consistently enables XYZ summons of rank three XYZ Monsters.

Furthermore, Tour Guide of the Underworld special summons one level three monster from your hand or deck. The deck is always the best choice because you save a card in your hand. You have two level three monsters with your new monster from the deck and Tour Guide of the Underworld. The field is set for a XYZ Summon.

For example, Tour Guide of the Underworld sets up the XYZ summon of Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow. Number 75: Bamboozling Gossip Shadow  is rank three and only requires two or more level three monsters. Tour Guide of the Underworld may consistently summon this XYZ Monster.

9. El Shaddoll Winda

El Shaddoll Winda is a powerful fusion monster. She perfectly complements the strategy of Shaddoll. She restricts the number of special summons by both players. 

Furthermore, El Shaddoll Winda only allows players to special summon one monster per turn. This effect provides a major advantage for her player. The opponent must carefully special summon one monster. Her ability prevents opponents from special summoning multiple monsters per turn.

In addition, El Shaddoll Winda is good artwork on all of her cards. Her best artwork is from Structure Deck: Shaddoll Showdown. El Shaddoll Winda has a serious poise in this image and she knows she has control of the field.

10. Apprentice Illusion Magician

Apprentice Illusion Magician is one of the best cards for the Dark Magician and decks with dark spellcasters. She adds Dark Magician from the deck to your hand. She may also special summon herself to the field. 

In addition, Apprentice Illusion Magician is a version of Honest for Dark Magician. You may discard her from the hand and add 2,000 ATK and DEF to a dark spellcaster. Your monster is now likely to win the battle and destroy the opponent’s monster.

Furthermore, Apprentice Illusion Magician is amazing artwork. She is a beautiful monster on the card. She looks good as an ultra rare. You may find her as an ultra rare in Legendary Dragon Decksand Legendary Duelists: Season 3.

11. Sky Striker Ace – Raye

Sky Striker Ace – Raye is one of the key cards for Sky Striker. This warrior is an amazing effect monster because she enables your Link Summons during both players’ turns. You may tribute Sky Striker Ace – Raye and special summon one link monster with Sky Striker Ace from the extra deck. The archetype has many great options for many opponents.

Furthermore, Sky Striker Ace – Raye has awesome artwork. This effect monster fits the style from  the era of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS. She wields a long and sharp blade. She looks like she is ready to strike an opponent at a blink of an eye.

12. High Priestess of Prophecy

High Priestess of Prophecy is one of the most beautiful cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!, and she is a good card. Her artwork shows her elegance and beauty. This card looks amazing as a secret rare and ultra rare. This spellcaster has only been printed as those rarities at this time.

Furthermore, High Priestess of Prophecy has useful effects. She can special summon herself from the hand. Her effect requires you to reveal three spellbook spell cards to special summon her, and this requirement is a very easy condition. She also banishes spellbooks from the graveyard and destroys the opponent’s cards.

High Priestess of Prophecy was a very expensive card at the height of Spellbook’s dominance in the meta of 2012 to 2013. This card’s price was as high as $100. The high value was due to the increase in rarity in the TCG. High Priestess of Prophecy was a super rare in Return of The Duelist in the OCG, and Konami increased her rarity to secret rate in Return of the Duelist for the TCG. She a more difficult card to pull in packs outside of Japan.

13. D.D. Warrior Lady

D.D. Warrior Lady is one of the best cards from this list of the most iconic female Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. This effect monster has a very useful effect. She banishes an opponent’s monster after damage calculation. She provides a solution to remove an opposing monster from the effect.

Therefore,  D.D. Warrior Lady is a useful card when the opponent has a strong monster and you do not have a stronger monster. You may declare a battle with D.D. Warrior Lady against a stronger monster such as Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and you will take damage from this battle. The upside is this effect monster’s special ability because this effect monster banishes the opponent’s monster after damage calculation.

Furthermore, D.D. Warrior Lady is a warrior and a level four monster. You can easily search the deck for this card with cards such as Reinforcement of The Army. Reinforcement of The Army adds one level four or lower warrior from the deck to the hand.

14. Chocolate Magician Girl

Chocolate Magician Girl is the best Magician Girl from the archetype. She has very good effects. She allows you to discard a card and draw a card. This first effect allows you to draw an extra card and set up the graveyard with other effects.

Furthermore, Chocolate Magician Girl has an awesome surprise for opponents when they declare an attack against her in battle. Chocolate Magician Girl special summons any spellcaster from your graveyard and she halves the ATK of the opponent’s monster. In addition, she forces the opponent’s weaken monster to attack your new spellcaster!

In addition, Chocolate Magician Girl has stunning artwork. She is truly a beautiful card. She has appeal like most Magicians Girls like the Dark Magician Girl. Chocolate Magician Girl may rival with Dark Magician Girl in terms of appeal from their stunning artwork. She is a great addition to decks with spellcasters and collector’s collections.  

15. Maiden With Eyes Of Blue

Maiden With Eyes Of Blue instantly became an iconic female card in Saga of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Structure Deck. She a staple in Blue-Eyes decks. Many decks in the archetype plays at least one copy of her. She has very good effects and special summons the powerful Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

In addition, Maiden With Eyes Of Blue is an impressive card for Blue-Eyes. She may stall the game for her player. Maiden With Eyes Of Blue will special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the hand, deck, or graveyard when an opponent targets her with an effect or attack.

Furthermore, Maiden With Eyes Of Blue is an iconic female card from Yu-Gi-Oh!. This card is inspired by Kisara from the manga and anime. Seto Kaiba’s ancestor had a friendship with Kisara. She carries the spirit of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

16. Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight

Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight is one of the most iconic female Yu-Gi-Oh! cards because of her epic appearance in the anime. Yugi plays this card in episode 157 of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Yugi uses Dark Magician Girl and eyes of Timaeus as fusion materials.

However, Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight is one of the weakest fusion monsters in the archetype of the Dark Magician due to her effect. She requires you to discard a card to destroy an opponent’s card. The archetype has much better fusion monsters such as Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon. 

17. Valkyrie Brunhilde

Valkyrie Brunhilde

Valkyrie Brunhilde is one of the most beautiful cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!. She has stellar artwork on her card. She wears a stunning armor and she rides a house into battle! This fairy wields a sword and shield.

Furthermore, Valkyrie Brunhilde is a good effect monster against swarm decks. She gains 5000 ATK for each of the opponent’s monsters. She has the potential to increase her ATK to 4,300 if the opponent has five monsters on the field.

In addition, Zigfried von Schroeder plays Valkyrie Brunhilde in his deck. This effect monster appears in duels against Joey Wheeler and Seto Kaiba. Zigfried von Schroeder effectively plays Valkyrie Brunhilde to defeat Joey Wheeler, but Seto Kaiba overcomes this card when he defeats Zigfried von Schroeder.

18. Protecting Spirit Loagaeth

Protecting Spirit Loagaeth is an iconic card from Dawn of Majesty. She has great artwork and she appears to be casting an attack in her art. She is a beautiful angel with four wings and she wields a staff.

Protecting Spirit Loagaeth is an awesome card for decks with fairies. You can easily insert this effect monster in many decks with fairies. Protecting Spirit Loagaeth  has useful effects for fairies. She special summons herself to the field. She also provides protection to your monsters if she is destroyed by battle or a card’s effect.

Furthermore, you can easily special summon Protecting Spirit Loagaeth. Her effect requires the activation of a fairy’s effect. Then, you may special summon Protecting Spirit Loagaeth from your hand.

19. Injection Fairy Lily

Injection Fairy Lily is a cute monster from Legacy of Darkness. She made an impact in the game upon her arrive. This effect monster gains 3,000 ATK during the battle phase at the cost of 2,000 life points. The cost for this effect is worth it when you can inflict massive damage to the opponent or destroy the opponent’s powerful monster.

Furthermore, Injection Fairy Lily was briefly banned from the game. She was a very powerful card from her era. She was a level 3 monster and did not require a tribute. You can have this effect monster gain 3,000 ATK, and Injection Fairy Lily would destroy most monsters in the game. She would inflict massive damage to opponents.

In addition, Injection Fairy Lily has a famous appearance in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light. An unknown duelist plays this card against Joey Wheeler. Injection Fairy Lily strikes Joey with a direct attack!

20. Harpie Lady Sisters

Harpie Lady Sisters is an iconic female card because of her artwork and appearance in the original anime of Yu-Gi-Oh!. This card has a lot of appeal due to its artwork. The art showcases the three original Harpie Ladies in golden armor.

Furthermore, Harpie Lady Sisters have an epic appearance in episode 30 of Yu-Gi-Oh!. Mai Valentine plays this card against Yugi during their duel, and Mai Valentine has control of the majority of the duel. Despite her early advantage with Harpie Lady Sisters, Yugi wins the duel with Black Luster Soldier.

However, Harpie Lady Sisters is not a good card for a completive deck. It requires Elegant Egotist and Harpiie Lady for her special summon. Her stats are not impressive for a level 5 monster. She is not worth the effort for a competitive deck.

The Final Word:

Overall, Yu-Gi-Oh!. has many iconic female cards in the trading card game. They are some of the most popular cards in game. Many of these cards have powerful effects and they make an impact in games. These monsters also have attractive card artwork and the images increase the value of these cards. Monsters such as Apprentice Illusion Magician are amazing cards.

This list of iconic female cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!. is only my opinion. You may have a different opinion on the iconic female monsters in the game. Share your list in the comments.

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