ATK/3,000 DEF/2,500
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned by a card effect. (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Machine monster you control; destroy that Machine monster and all monsters your opponent controls with ATK less than or equal to it. If a face-up EARTH Machine monster(s) you control, except “Machina Citadel”, is destroyed by battle or card effect while this card is in your GY: You can Special Summon this card. You can only use each effect of “Machina Citadel” once per turn.
Machina Citadel is one of the powerful machines from Machina. This effect monster is one of the bosses from the archetype. It is a unique card. You can only special summon this effect monster to the field. Then, it destroy the opponent’s monsters with one of its effects.
Release | Set Number | Set | Rarity |
4-16-2000 | SR10-EN001 | Structure Deck: Mechanized Madness | Ultra Rare |
First Effect:
Machina Citadel cannot be normal summoned or set. You can only special summon this machine with an effect. This effect limits your options for this machine.
Therefore, the strategies are special summoning Machina Citadel with its third effect or another card. Machina has many cards with the ability to special summon this effect monster. These are the only methods to play this card on the field.
For instance, Machina Megaform and Machina Overdrive may special summon Machina Citadel from the deck. These cards provide a consistent method for the special summon of this machine. Their effects have easy requirements, and you should be able to successfully activate their effects.
However, Machina Citadel can be a dead card in your hand. It is a useless effect monster in the hand if you are unable to discard it or special summon it with another card. It is taking space from other resources.
Special summon Machina Citadel with these cards!
- Machina Air Raider
- Machina Megaform
- Machina Overdrive
Second Effect:
Machina Citadel destroys one of your machines, and destroys all of the opponent’s monsters with ATK equal or less than the machine that you just destroyed. The purpose of this effect is destroying the opponent’s monsters. The opponent can lose multiple resources from this single effect.
Therefore, this effect is a strong ability. It has the potential to destroy all of the opponent’s monster. You can only destroy all of them if their ATK is equal or less than your monster that your destroyed.
Furthermore, Machina Citadel is a strong card against decks with the ability to swarm the field. You can potentially destroy all of their monsters. This effect counters those decks.
Third Effect:
Machina Citadel may special summon itself from the graveyard when your monster with Machina in its name and the attribute of Earth is destroyed by battle or card effect. This is one of the methods to special summon this machine. You gain a powerful monster after losing a monster. You maintain a strong board after losing a card.
Furthermore, the effect effect of Machina Citadel is a consistent ability. Opponents will destroy your other monsters with Machina in the names. This strategy is part of Yu-Gi-Oh!. You should be able to activate this effect often in duels.
However, this effect does not work with all monsters with Machina in their names. The archetype has monsters with the attribute of dark. This effect will not special summon Machina Citadel when cards such as Machina Unclaspare are destroyed by battle or a card’s effect.
Machina Citadel has stellar support from Machina. You can consistently play this card. The archetype has many options to set up this card for success. You can easily search for this effect monster in the deck. Generic support for machines can enhance this card.
Machina Redeployment is one of the best cards for Machina Citadel. It sets up this effect monster’s third ability to special summon itself. This spell card allows you to discard Machina Citadel, and you draw two cards. You want this effect monster in the graveyard. Machina Citadel is in a great position to special summon itself from the graveyard.
Limiter Removal is a powerful spell for Machina Citadel. This quick-play spell doubles the ATK of all of your machines on the field. Therefore, Limiter Removal increases the ATK of Machina Citadel to 6,000 for a turn!
Play these cards with Machina Citadel!
- Limiter Removal
- Machina Redeployment
Card Rating:
Overall, Machina Citadel is an impressive card for Machina. This effect has synergy with its archetype. Cards can search for this effect monster or send it to the graveyard for its third effect. It can control the field with its second effect. It has many options to special summon itself from the graveyard. Therefore, I recommend playing Machina Citadel in your deck.
Card Rating: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars