YouTube Tips For Card Game Channels

Some Gamer Dude inspired me with his article Youtube Videos. If you haven’t read his article then read it first!

I’ve made a list pertaining six important tips for every card game channel on YouTube. You want your channel and brand to grow. Your channel needs growth to gain more subscribers and views. They are not ranked in a particular order.

1. Good Lighting

My first YouTube video was a mess. To be honest I am very embarrassed when I see it on my channel’s videos list. The lighting was very bad because it was way too dark to clearly see the cards.

A good video needs good lighting. Viewers need and want to clearly see the cards or related items in the video. It looks more professional. You will gain more likes and viewers this way.

2. Good Hygiene

Good Hygiene is key in videos because you are showing cards. Always be clean in your videos. The MOST important tip is for you guys to cut your finger nails. Long and nasty looking finger nails on men are not a good impression. It looks nasty. It can put people off. Don’t forget to wash your hands before making a video! Don’t show your dirty hands and dirt filled nails on camera!

3. Know Your Audience

Character and presentation are very important. You want to have a good image. Be careful about what you say because it may come across the wrong way. Not everyone is very fond of race and sex jokes. Be aware that not everyone is going to get the joke. Others may find it offensive. This also includes saying any racial or offensive slurs. Avoid them if you know your audience would be offended. Your video could get many dislikes and people will not subscribe or unsubscribe to your channel.

4. Google AdSense Rules

If you are a partner then you need to know Google’s AdSense rules. These rules are very important. Violating them can result in permanent termination. If you are a partner then don’t tell people to click on ads. I’ve seen people do this before. You’re not allowed to say that.

5. Ask for tips!

Ask a someone who has a popular channel for advice. Sometimes people are kind enough to view and leave a comment on your videos. Their followers will see that a popular channel just commented on your video. This is just as good as getting a shout out. Galactic God commented on one of my videos and my views went through the roof that day. I had more views that day than any other day on YouTube.

6. Use Social Media

Social media can help build your brand. However, don’t expect it to happen overnight. This takes time. You should do this after making your channel. This will add more personality to your channel. Post your new videos on social media sites. Also interact with your followers and people in groups that you’re in. They will get to know you better. This will build your reputation and people will more likely watch your videos. Your fan base will grow over time!

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