Konami’s most popular release from last winter was Yugi’s Legendary Decks. Yugi Legendary Decks II feature three decks from the protagonists in the original series, three promo cards, and three tokens. Yugi’s deck, Kaiba’s deck, and Joey’s deck are revamped with new cards. Each deck has ultra rare cards of a character’s best cards. I ordered my copy of Yugi’s Legendary Decks II on Amazon. Be sure to watch the opening video in my review to see every card in each deck!
Promo Cards
Yugi Legendary Decks II has three promo cards. These cards are Eternal Soul, Dark Burning Attack, and Dark Burning Magic. All three cards support Dark Magician or Dark Magician Girl. Eternal Soul is the best card among the three promo cards. Eternal Soul special summons your Dark Magician. Dark Magician is a level seven monster and may be used to summon a rank seven XYZ monster. You can spam rank seven XYZ monsters with Eternal Soul.
Yugi’s Legendary Deck
Yugi’s legendary deck is the only deck that I do not have much interest in the deck’s cards. I either have these cards in another deck or I do not want to play certain decks. Yugi’s legendary deck is based on Exodia. It includes the new cards to support Exodia. The Legendary Exodia Incarnate is a cool card for Exodia decks.The deck also has Yugi’s classic cards from the first series. The Egyptian Gods are ultra rares and they are the playable versions. You can summon the powerful Gods from Egypt! Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are common cards in the deck.
Kaiba’s Legendary Deck
Kaiba’s legendary deck is based on his Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The cards in the deck help summon Kaiba’s signature card. The key cards in Kaiba’s deck are Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, Maiden with Eyes of Blue, and Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. These cards are great in competitive decks with Blue-Eyes White Dragon. I am considering creating a Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck. I have a few of the most important cards for the deck from Kaiba’s legendary deck.
Joey’s Legendary Deck
Joey’s legendary deck is based on his fiery Red-Eyes Black Dragon. The best cards in Joey’s legendary deck are Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon Return of the Red-Eyes, and The Black Stone of Legend. These three cards are also the ultra rare cards in Joey’s legendary deck. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon I bought the second set of legendary decks to get my hands on this card. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon is a great card for decks with the option to summon rank seven monsters. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon is now in my Dark Magician Spellbooks deck!
The Final Word
Yugi Legendary Decks II is a great set for new players and experienced players. If you are playing a Dark Magician deck, then buy one of these sets to get the new cards for your deck with Dark Magician. Experienced players will enjoy Kaiba’s legendary deck and Joey’s legendary deck. Joey’s deck and Kaiba’s deck outclass Yugi’s deck. Players can use these two decks as starting points to create a competitive Blue-Eyes deck and Red-Eyes deck. Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon is the best card in the entire box. It is a great rank seven monster in many decks. Yugi’s Exodia deck targets players that enjoy playing fun decks. It is time to duel with the legendary decks!
Product Rating: [usr 4.5]