Unit of The Week: Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder

To have the courage to see yourself reach the place you’d like to be in.

[AUTO]:When this unit is placed on (VC), choose a card from your soul, and you may call it to (RC).
[CONT](VC):If you have one or more cards in your soul or on your (RC) with “Magnolia” in their card names, all of your rear-guards can attack and intercept from the back row, and get [Power]+5000.

Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder is the evolution of Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia. This grade four unit has two abilities and triple drive. This unit elevates its archetype’s strategy. It enables up to six battles per turn with a full field of units. It also empowers your rear-guards.

D-Standard Format:

Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder is a card in the main deck for Sylvan Horned Beast. It enhances the archetype’s strategy of attacks from the back row. You must use a card to search for it or naturally draw it.

First Ability:

Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder superior calls one unit from the soul when you ride this unit. You gain a free rear-guard from the soul. This ability helps build the field the second effect of this grade four unit. Your field has an additional attacker from any row on the field.

In addition, your main targets are the units from the ride deck. You have good options because the units in the ride deck have abilities on the rear-guard circle. You can create additional offense for your field.

For example, Sylvan Horned Beast, Lattice is a great option to superior call from the soul. This grade 2 unit gains 10,000 power when it is in the back row and attacks an opponent’s vanguard. Sylvan Horned Beast, Lattice has a total of 25,000 power with 10,000 power from its effect and 5,000 power from the second effect of Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder.

Second Ability

Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder allows all of your units to attack and intercept from the back row. This ability also gives 5,000 power to all of your rear-guards at all times. The increase in power is an active effect during both player’s turns. This ability makes all of your rear-guards to be a focal point of the offense.

Therefore, this ability adds a total of 25,000 power to the field if your field has five rear-guards. This amount of power strengthens the offense. You have a higher chance to break through the opponent’s defense.

Furthermore, this ability puts a lot of pressure on the opponent. You can have six battles in a single turn. The high volume of attacks will deal massive damage or weaken the opponent’s hand due to his or her comment to defense.

In addition, you have many options on offense. Some of your units can battle the opponent’s rear-guards in the front row. It is an effective strategy for retiring the opposing rear-guards.


Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder has synergy with many cards in the archetypes of Sylvan Horned Beast and Magnolia. You can create a stellar offense with members of the archetype. Support for the archetype also assists to this grade four unit. 

Friendship Fairy is great support for Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder. This grade 2 unit increases the speed of this grade 4 unit. You can play this grade 4 unit during your third turn. Friendship Fairy may superior ride Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder from your hand if you have a vanguard with Magnolia in its name. 

Sylvan Horned Beast, Seroll is a useful grade one for Sylvan Horned Beast. Sylvan Horned Beast, Seroll helps you to search and add Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder from the top five cards of the deck to your hand. This grade one adds consistency and is an option to add this grade four unit to the hand. 

Play these cards with Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder in the D-Standard Format!

Premium Format:

Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder is not an ideal unit in the Premium Format. The clans from Magallanica and Zoo have better strategies than this grade four unit. This card is too slow due to its grade and the best option is focusing on G-Units as the vanguard. 

In addition, Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder requires a pure deck for Magnolia due to its abilities. This card’s second ability requires a unit with Magnolia in its name in the soul or on a rear-guard circle. You do not have a lot of room for creativity if you want consistency.

I recommend playing generic G-Units from Zoo with Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder. One of the best G-Units from this nation is Guilty Empress, Darkface Gredora, and she has generic abilities. Guilty Empress, Darkface Gredora prevents the opponent from standing his or her units. Her ability provides a major advantage for Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder.

Play these cards with Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder in the Premium Format!

Card Rating:

Overall, Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder is a stellar card for Sylvan Horned Beast in the D-Standard Format. This grade four unit truly complements the archetype’s style. It has strong synergy with many cards in the archetype. You can create a strong formation of units with this grade four unit. Therefore, I recommend playing three to four copies of Sylvan Horned Beast Emperor, Magnolia Elder in your deck.

D-Standard Format: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 2.0 out of 5.0 stars

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