Unit of The Week: Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker

This is totally not enough. Continue sucking until it’s empty.

[AUTO]:When this unit is rode upon by a unit with “Amon” in its card name, Soul Charge (3).
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], Soul Charge (1), and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. At the end of that battle, if you have a vanguard with “Amon” in its card name, and you have six or more cards in your soul, COST [put this unit into your soul], and draw a card.

Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker is a demon from the Dark Zone. This unit is a member of the Dark Irregulars. It is also part of archetype of Amon. It has two abilities with effects for consistency of the deck. This unit builds the soul and has a solid offense.

First Ability:

Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker soul charges three cards when you ride a card with Amon in its name on top of this card. This ability provides three cards for the soul without a cost. You gain many resources in a single ability.

Therefore, Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker is the best option when you ride a grade 2 vanguard during your second turn. The card wants you to ride a unit with Amon in its name on this card. The strategy ensures multiple cards for the soul.

Furthermore, Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker perfectly complements Amon’s strategy. Amon wants many cards in the soul for their abilities like many units from Dark Irregular. The ability helps enable your strategy. You are able to quickly build the soul for this advantage.

For example, Demon World Marquis, Amon (V Series) requires six cards in the soul to gain 10,000 power as the vanguard. This grade two unit helps fulfill this requirement. The soul charge of three cards and your first three vanguards meet this requirement. Your soul will have at least six cards for Demon World Marquis, Amon (V Series).

Second Ability:

Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker gains 5,000 power and sends it self to the soul for the cost of a soul charge and counter blast. This unit delivers offense and resources in a single ability. This unit has a total of 14,000 power during battle before a boost. Your soul continues to build its number of cards.

Therefore, Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker has a good offense. He can hit an opponent’s unit without a boost. 14,000 power from himself has the potential of a very good column. You can build the momentum from this offense with a good boost.

Furthermore, a boost from a strong rear-guard in the back row creates a good column for Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker. For example, Doreen the Thruster (V Series) has 11,000 power after the activation of her ability , and she is a good option for the back row. The total power of Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker becomes 25,000 after a boost from Doreen the Thruster.

In addition, Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker sends itself to the soul after battle if your vanguard has Amon its name. Therefore, this ability adds two cards to the soul. This ability drives the archetype’s strategy. You send the top cards of the deck and this unit to the soul.


Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker has stellar support from Amon and generic cards for Dark irregulars. This unit perfectly fits in decks with Amon. This unit has synergy with many units from the archetype. You can consistently activate this unit’s abilities.

Amon’s Follower, Atrocious Blow is a stellar grade one unit for Amon. This grade one unit creates a strong offense for Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker. Amon’s Follower, Atrocious Blow adds 1,000 power for each card in the soul to a unit with Amon in its name. For example, Amon’s Follower, Atrocious Blow may add 10,000 power to Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker when the soul has ten cards. You will have a strong grade 2 unit. The total power of Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker with its ability and this grade one’s ability becomes 24,000. You can pressure the opponent in battle.

Play these cards with Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker in the V-Premium Format!
  • Amon’s Follower, Atrocious Blow
  • Demon World Marquis, Amon (V Series)
  • Doreen the Thruster (V Series)

Premium Format:

Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker is a great card for Amon in the premium format. This unit’s ability to soul charge three cards has major value. It provides consistency to the deck. This unit quickly builds the soul for your strategy.

Amon’s Red Eye, Forneus is a powerful G-Unit for Amon and he benefits from the abilities of Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker. The abilities of this grade 2 unit complement this G-Unit. Amon’s Red Eye, Forneus gains 5,000 power for every five cards in the soul, and he gains a critical if the soul has twenty or more cards. A card such as Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker with the ability to soul charge multiple cards perfectly sets up this G-Unit.

Play these cards with Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker in the Premium Format!
  • Amon’s Red Eye, Forneus
  • Demon World Marquis, Amon (V Series)

Card Rating:

Overall, Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker is a staple for Amon in the V-Premium and Premium formats. This unit is a great option for your vanguard at grade 2. This unit soul charges many cards and sets you for success. It has a good offense as a rear-guard. Therefore, I recommend playing four copies of Amon’s Follower, Soul Sucker in your deck.

V-Premium Format: 3.5 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 3.5 out of 5.0 stars

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