Unit of The Week: Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos

Our ingenuity is perfect! Let us all fight and return triumphantly!

[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Counter Blast (1)], search your deck for up to one card with the same card name as this unit, reveal it and put it into hand, shuffle the deck, and this unit gets [Power]+10000 until end of turn.
[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Energy Blast (4)], discard the top two cards of your deck, choose up to two grade 3 or less unit cards from your drop, and call them to (RC). (Use four Energy to pay Energy Blast (4)!)

Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos is an aquaroid from the nation of Stoicheia. He resembles the classic units from the Aqua Force. This grade three unit has two good abilities. He increases his power and has a consistent strategy for Persona Ride. He also rallies his allies from the drop zone to the field. 


  • DZ Quick Start Deck 05: Stoicheia

D-Standard Format:

Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos is a generic card for Stoicheia. This grade three unit only have abilities as the vanguard. Therefore, he belongs in the ride deck.

In addition, Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos’s first ability encourages players to place him in the ride deck. He focuses on consistent persona rides. All of the grade three units from his wave of start up trial decks share this theme.

First Ability:

Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos may add a copy of himself from the deck to your hand and he gains 10,000 power. This ability sets up a Persona Ride on the next turn. You get easy access to a copy of this card once per turn. The ability also improves the offense of this grade three unit, and he has a total of 23,000 power before additional effects.

Therefore, this ability adds consistency for Persona Ride. You have a copy of this grade three unit in your hand, and you may ride him on the next turn. You will gain the momentum with 10,000 power to all units in the front row, and draw additional card for the turn. 

Furthermore, the persona ride from this ability’s set up sets the formation for your victory. Your vanguard and rear-guards gain 10,000 power from the persona ride. You can create a respectable front row with cards such as Battle Siren, Philantia because they have synergy with Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos

Second Ability:

Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos discards the top two cards of the deck and superior calls to units from the drop zone. This ability helps fill your field with units. You potentially gain two units for the front row or units for the back row. 

Furthermore, the ability discards two cards from the top of the deck for the cost, and this cost provides additional options for this ability. It is an useful cost in the early game. Your drop zone has two additional options. You may discard useful units from the top of the deck, and Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos may superior call both units to the field.

In addition, Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos allows you to recover important units for your strategy. The opponent may retire rear-guards or your rear-guards when to the graveyard after they intercept an attack. You may superior call those units back to the field and use their abilities.

However, the cost for this ability does have a drawback. The ability may discard triggers from the top two cards from the deck. You may potentially lose the overtrigger due to the cost of this ability. You are taking a risk of losing key cards.


Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos is a generic card. The best strategy for this card is playing him with other generic cards with complementary abilities. He offers a variety of strategies for decks. The best cards with him have abilities when you superior call them from the drop zone.

For example, the perfect unit for this ability is Battle Siren, Philantia. Battle Siren, Philantia gains 10,000 power when an ability superior calls her from the drop zone. She has a total of 20,000 power before a boost and other effects.

Play these cards with Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos in the D-Standard Format!
  • Battle Siren, Philantia

Premium Format:

Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos has the design of a unit from Aqua Force. The best clan for this card in the premium format is Aqua Force. He is a legal card in decks from the nations of Magallanica and Zoo.

Blue Furious Charge Dragon, Furiargus Dragon is a fantastic G-Unit alongside Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos. Blue Furious Charge Dragon, Furiargus Dragon creates an Imaginary Gift: Accel and enables multiple attacks in a turn. You gain two advantages on offense with great momentum. The additional battle puts additional pressure on the opponent.

However, Bushiroad designed Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos for the D-Standard Format in mind. He has a consistent method for a Persona Ride, but the Persona Ride is not typically a strong skill in the Premium Format. A G-Unit provides more value than the abilities of this grade three unit from Stoicheia.

Play these cards with Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos in the Premium Format!

Card Rating:

Overall, Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos is a good card with useful effects. He has basic effects for all players at any level. He can create fun combos during the main phase. His generic abilities allow creative decks with units from Stoicheia. Therefore, I recommend Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos in a fun and generic deck.

D-Standard Format: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 2.5 out of 5.0 stars

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