Unit of The Week: Pink Moth Girl, Maple

Heh heh! It’s because I’m number one!

[AUTO](Drop):When your grade 3 or greater vanguard is placed during the ride phase, if you persona rode this turn, and you do not have “Pink Moth Girl, Maple” on your (RC), you may call this card to (RC). If you called it, this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn.
[Glitter]-“Thegrea” (Active if your vanguard is a [Glitter] with “Thegrea” in its card name)
[AUTO](Back Row RC):When your unit in the same column as this unit [Stand], you may [Stand] this unit. If you do, at the end of that turn, retire this unit.

Pink Moth Girl, Maple is a grade one unit from the Keter Sanctuary and Stoicheia. She is support for Thegrea in the D-Standard Format. This unit has simple abilities and both abilities have useful effects. The advantages from her abilities provide a small boost to the deck with Thegrea. 


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D-Standard Format:

Pink Moth Girl, Maple provides support to Thegrea and Maple. She has the standard stats of a grade one unit with 8,000 power and 5,000 shield. She fits in the main deck because her two abilities require her to be in the drop zone or on a rear-guard circle.

Furthermore, Pink Moth Girl, Maple only fits with the Keter Sanctuary despite also being a unit from Stoicheia. She only fits in decks with Thegrea and the archetype resides in the Keter Sanctuary. I do not recommend playing this card in Stoicheia.

First Ability:

Pink Moth Girl, Maple superior calls herself from the drop zone when you perform a Persona Ride and you do not have a copy of her on the field. She also gains 5,000 power from this ability. This ability only activates during the ride phase.

Therefore, you gain a free rear-guard without any cost. You draw a card from the Person Ride and superior call this unit from the drop zone. The ability provides the option to superior call her to the front row to also gain power from the Persona Ride or the option to place her in the back row.

Furthermore, Pink Moth Girl, Maple is a stellar booster in the back row. She has 13,000 power due to the increase of 5,000 power from this ability. She provides a boost of 13,000 power to the unit in the front row from the same column with her.

Second Ability:

Pink Moth Girl, Maple provides an advantage on offense Her second ability stands her if the unit in the same column stands. She can provide a second boost for the second battle. She helps pressure the opponent.

Therefore, Pink Moth Girl, Maple continues the momentum during the battle phase. Your vanguard or rear-guard are standing for a second battle. This grade one unit may boost the vanguard or rear-guard again for an attack at full power.

For example, One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea is the perfect vanguard with Pink Moth Girl, Maple in the same column. One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea stands herself with her ability, and therefore the vanguard has a second battle. This action triggers the second ability of Pink Moth Girl, Maple, and Pink Moth Girl, Maple stands herself. Your vanguard will receive a strong boost for the second battle.

The ability retires Pink Moth Girl, Maple at the end of the turn, and this cost is not a major loss. You may return to unit from the drop zone to the field with her first ability. You only need to ride a grade 3 three unit during the ride phase. Then, this grade one unit returns to the field and gains 5,000 power.


Pink Moth Girl, Maple has synergy with many units from the archetype of Thegrea. Her abilities complement the archetype, and you can consistently activate both of her abilities. You can create strong combos with this grade one unit.

For instance, One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea is the best vanguard for Pink Moth Girl, Maple in the back row. Both units will stand together for a second. It is a simple and effective combo with a strong offense.

Harsh Training, Thegrea has the potential to add Pink Moth Girl, Maple from the deck to your hand. Harsh Training, Thegrea adds a card with Thegrea or Maple from the top five cards of the deck to your hand. This grade two unit potentially provides access to this grade one unit. You have consistent access to your units with Thegrea or Maple in their names.

Play these cards with Pink Moth Girl, Maple in the D-Standard Format!

Premium Format:

Pink Moth Girl, Maple is a legal card for clans from the United Sanctuary and Great Nation. She fits best with the United Sanctuary due to Thegrea is a legal archetype for the United Sanctuary. She needs this archetype for consistency in the premium format.

In addition, one of the best G-Units with this grade one unit is Holy Dragon, Crystaluster Dragon. This G-Unit may gain the ability of One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea as the heart, and the strategy is perfection if you persona ride One Who Blooms in the Dark, Thegrea before you stride into this G-Unit. The stage is set for Pink Moth Girl, Maple to superior call herself from the drop zone and provide a strong boost to the vanguard.

Play these cards with Pink Moth Girl, Maple in the Premium Format!

Card Rating:

Overall, Pink Moth Girl, Maple is a solid card for Thegrea in the D-Standard Format. She is a consistent card with value. This unit complements her archetype. She superior calls herself from the drop zone. Her second ability stands her during the battle phase. Therefore, I recommend playing four copies of Pink Moth Girl, Maple in your deck.

D-Standard Format: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 2.5 out of 5.0 stars

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