Unit of The Week: Black Seraph, Eleleth

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[G guardian] (Usable when both fighters’ vanguards are grade 3 or greater, and the number of face up G guardians in your G zone is three or less)-Opponent Turn’s Guard Step-[Choose a card with “Heal” from your hand, and discard it] Call this card to your (GC) from face down.
[AUTO] Generation Break 1:[Soul Blast (1) & Choose a face down G guardian from your G zone, and turn it face up] When this unit is placed on (GC), you may pay the cost. If you do, this unit gets [Shield]+5000 until end of that battle for each face up card in your damage zone.

Defense is the key to a championship. Some archetypes from Angel Feather are known for their defense. Black Seraph, Eleleth from the Black Gravers is one of the best G-Guardians in the clan. She has the potential to create a strong wall of defense. Her generation break creates a strong shield in the late game.


Black Seraph, Eleleth has a Generation Break 1. This ability adds 5,000 power to the shield for each face up card in the damage zone. She is a able to build a good defense if you are able to consistently have face up cards in the damage zone.

Therefore, the full potential of this card under normal conditions adds 25,000 power to the shield. The total shield of Black Seraph, Eleleth becomes 40,000. This is a very strong defense in the late game. It can potentially save you from very powerful attacks.

Furthermore, Black Seraph, Eleleth is a more valuable card in the late game than in the early game. You are likely to have four to five damage during the late game. This G-Guardian would create a large shield at this particular time. You would have four to five face up cards in the damage zone.


Black Seraph, Eleleth is a generic card. You can play it in any archetype from Angel Feather. The best decks for this card focus on manipulating the damage zone, and these decks consistently have face up cards in the damage zone.

Therefore, the best deck for Black Seraph, Eleleth is Black Graver with Black Shiver, Gavrail (V Series). This archetype has many units with the ability to manipulate the damage zone and perform extra damage checks. You will consistently have face up cards in the damage zone. This G-Guardian should almost always fully meet the conditions of her defensive ability.

Holy Seraph, Zafkiel is a fantastic G-Unit in a deck with Black Seraph, Eleleth. Holy Seraph, Zafkiel manipulates your damage zone and is able to place cards from the drop zone face up in the damage zone. You damage has the perfect arrangement for this G-Guardian. Holy Seraph, Zafkiel helps you to consistently have face up cards in the damage zone. This G-Guardian should meet her ability’s requirements.

Holy Seraph, Basasael increases the potential of this G-Guardian’s defense. Holy Seraph, Basasael increases the the damage zone to seven or eight. You can have up to seven face up cards in the damage zone. This situation adds 35,000 power to the shield of Black Seraph, Eleleth! Her total shield becomes 50,000. This defense can block most attacks in Cardfight!! Vanguard.

Play these cards with Black Seraph, Eleleth!

Card Rating:

Overall, Black Seraph, Eleleth is a an effective G-Guardian. Her defensive ability complements Angel Feather’s strange of manipulation of the damage zone. She provides an impressive defense in the late game. Holy Seraph, Basasael enhances this card’s natural potential, and this G-Guardian can create an amazing shield. Therefore, I recommend playing one copy of Black Seraph, Eleleth in your deck.

Premium Format: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

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