Unit of The Week: Alter Ego Messiah (V Series)

Revealing the state of the world, and observing the fate of the world.

[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Soul Blast (1)], and put up to a total of two cards with different card names from your drop zone on your (RC) as locked cards. (Locked cards cannot do anything. They are unlocked and turned face up as [Stand] at the end of their owner’s turn.)
[AUTO](VC):When it attacks, choose any number of any player’ locked cards, unlock them, and all of those unlocked units get [Power]+10000 until end of turn.

The Messiah is the god of law and creation. One of its forms is Alter Ego Messiah (V Series). This grade three unit is a new version for the V-Premium Format. Its abilities complement the strategy of Messiah in all formats. This unit elevates the archetype’s strategy with its abilities to place locked cards on the field and add power to rear-guards.


06-19-2020V-BT08/001ENV Booster Set 08: Silverdust BlazeVR

First Ability:

Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) places and locks two cards from the drop zone to the field. This ability provides two cards with a unique method. This unit does not superior call units. It sets up the field for you to unlock these units during the battle phase.

Furthermore, the first ability is setting up the second ability. You are locking two cards from the drop zone. The second ability may unlock these cards and increase their power.

Therefore, Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) is setting up the offense. It is a strong ability. You are gaining two rear-guards for the cost of a single soul blast.

Second Ability:

Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) unlocks any number of cards and those units gain 10,000 power until the end of the turn. This ability truly complements the style of Messiah. Units in the archetype consistently lock themselves or other units on the field. This ability rewards these units with an additional 10,000 power.

Therefore, Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) provides a major boost of momentum on offense with this ability. You can potentially add 10,000 power to four rear-guards if you unlock them. That is a total of an additional 40,000 power on the field.

One of the best units with chemistry with this ability is Lady Battler of the Black Dwarf (V Series). This grade two unit can lock herself. Then, she allows you to draw two cards after you unlock her. You can many resources with the combination of Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) and Lady Battler of the Black Dwarf (V Series).


Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) has stellar support from Link Joker. The clan has strong generic cards. Messiah also has great cards for its strategy. You can add this card from the deck to the hand. Many rear-guards has offensive chemistry with this grade three unit.

Lady Battler of the Black Dwarf (V Series) may add Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) from the deck to the hand. This grade two unit provides consistent access to this grade three vanguard. You must ride a grade three with Messiah in its name on top of her, and this card must have a different name than Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) . You will need to ride Harmonics Messiah (V Series).

Play these cards with Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) in the V-Premium Format!
  • Counterkill Strike, Gastorur
  • Harmonics Messiah (V Series)
  • Lady Battler of the Black Dwarf (V Series)
  • Lady Fencer of Matter Transmission (V Series)

Premium Format:

Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) is a great addition to Link Joker in the Premium Format. This grade three unit elevates the archetype of Messiah. This unit provides resources when it locks cards from the drop zone to the field. It provides the Imaginary Gift: Force. It has Messiah in its name for your G-Units.

Furthermore, Link Joker has many powerful G-Units to pair with Alter Ego Messiah (V Series). The clan has powerful generic cards in the G-Zone. The clan has G-Unit in the archetype of Messiah.

For instance, Genesis Dragon, Excelics Messiah is one of Messiah’s G-Units. Genesis Dragon, Excelics Messiah unlocks your rear-guards and retires the opponent’s rear-guards. This G-Unit also adds 3,000 power to all of your unlocked rear-guards, and this card gains a critical.

Furthermore, Nebula Dragon, Cosmic Dawn Dragon is a strong and generic G-Unit alongside Alter Ego Messiah (V Series). Nebula Dragon, Cosmic Dawn Dragon unlocks your units and locks the opponent’s rear-guards. It is an effective G-Unit with abilities complementing Messiah.

In addition, every vanguard needs a strong defense. Light that Seals the Tear, Lady Healer is a great G-Guardian for Alter Ego Messiah (V Series). Light that Seals the Tear, Lady Healer may provide of shield with a value of 25,000.

Play these cards with Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) in the Premium Format!
  • Genesis Dragon, Amnesty Messiah
  • Light that Seals the Tear, Lady Healer
  • Nebula Dragon, Cosmic Dawn Dragon

Card Rating:

Overall Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) is a great card for Link Joker. This grade three unit is the embodiment of Messiah. It provides resources and an amazing offense. This unit has synergy with many units in its archetype and generic cards. Therefore, I recommend playing four copies of Alter Ego Messiah (V Series) in your deck with Link Joker.

V-Premium Format: 4.5 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

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