The Top Ten Female Party Members in Dragon Quest

Jade from Dragon Quest XI

Dragon Quest is a strategic, turn-based roleplaying game series, staged across multiple high fantasy worlds and featuring many ages of epic storytelling. The series is well beloved for its simple but timeless gameplay, engaging stories, and lovable characters. These characters especially – with their unique backstories, dialogue, visual designs, and abilities – are the heart and soul of most Dragon Quest titles. In this article, we want to highlight the best of the best female party members who have brought emotion, humour and kick-ass girl power since the first Dragon Quest game was released in Japan in 1986!

Often credited as the first true JRPG (Japanese Role-Playing Game) because of how it defined the genre’s conventions and popularised the format, to date we have eleven Dragon Quest games available to play and the twelfth installment, Dragon Quest XII: Fate of Flames, is in active development. There are also over 30 spin-offs!—which is insane!!—so for your convenience (and our sanity) we’ll be covering the ladies of the mainline Dragon Quest games only.

So without further ado, let us introduce the top ten female party members in Dragon Quest that YOU want on YOUR team!

Number 10 – Ashlynn

Kicking off our list at number ten, we have Ashlynn from Dragon Quest VI. She’s a spunky redhead with a fun personality and vibrant design. Furthermore, Ashlynn has a surprisingly profound and unexpected connection to the larger story of the game. She’s often overlooked or even disliked for her low HP and combat fragility, but with patience Ashlynn can be built into a powerful caster with access to the most devastating spells.

Number 9 – Maribel

Up next, we have Maribel from Dragon Quest VII. She’s also a strong magic user with a fiery personality and red hair! Maribel has slightly less story significance than Ashlynn but she more than makes up for it with better defensive stats, access to better armor and a huge personality full of snarky dialogue. Players either love her or hate her, but it’s undeniable that her absence is definitely felt when she is called away on other matters.

Number 8 – Red

From Dragon Quest VIII we have Red, a hidden gem. With great stats and a skillset uniquely specialised for thieving, she’s invaluable for farming rare items. On top of that, she’s got a sexy utilitarian pirate aesthetic and a badass personality. So one might wonder why she’s not higher on our list? It’s because Red is exclusive to the 3DS version of the game and only available as a party member much later in the adventure. Still, if you get the opportunity, recruiting Red is absolutely worth it.

Number 7 – Debora

Debora is another exclusive character, available only in the DS and mobile versions of Dragon Quest V. Introduced as a third marriage option for the hero, she was an instant hit with fans and quickly became a fan-favorite. Confident, dominant, and hilariously snarky, Debora brings a completely different energy from Bianca and Nera. She’s also the only wife option who excels as a physical fighter, making her stand out both in personality and combat.

Number 6 – Bianca

Also from Dragon Quest V, Bianca is the timeless classic heroine. She’s the “canon” wife choice, with an adorable friends-to-lovers story arc that makes her feel like the natural pick. She also offers a well-balanced mix of physical attacks and magic, making her a versatile fighter. Sweet, adventurous, and by the hero’s side from the very beginning, Bianca holds a special place in the hearts of many fans.

Number 5 – Jade

Jade from Dragon Quest XI

Halfway through our list at number five, Jade is one of the strongest physical fighters in Dragon Quest XI. She’s a martial artist who excels with spears, unarmed combat, and later, claws. She also happens to be stunningly beautiful and capable of charming enemies with her sex appeal. Beyond her combat prowess, Jade is appreciated for her sensible, caring personality and intriguing backstory. We just wish the game had developed her character further, rather than leaning so heavily into fan-service. (Yes, we know she’s attractive!)

Number 4 – Alena

If you’re looking for a powerful party member who can subvert your expectations, Alena is your girl—or rather, princess! In Dragon Quest IV, Alena rejects her royal duties in favour of her dream to be the strongest fighter alive. Even stranger, she dresses more like a mage than a fighter, complete with a pointy hat and cloak despite having zero magical ability whatsoever! Instead, Alena dominates combat with high strength, agility and critical hit rate. She’s an unstoppable spitfire right from the beginning, so Alena has limited character development, but that doesn’t stop her from being one of the most beloved female characters in the whole series!

Number 3 – Veronica

Veronica from Dragon Quest XI

Small but mighty, Veronica is a true powerhouse in Dragon Quest XI. She’s a mage specializing in pure destruction, obliterating enemies with high-level fire spells. Her personality is just as big—blunt, witty, and fiercely protective of her sister, making her a fan favorite. Unfortunately, to balance her strength, Veronica is a glass cannon, requiring the right support setup. All the more reason to have her sister with her on the team. But it’s not just her magic that leaves an impact—her story delivers one of DQXI’s most emotional moments, solidifying her legacy.

Number 2 – Serena

Younger sister of Veronica, Serena is a gentle soul and invaluable support mage. She’s the best healer that Dragon Quest XI has to offer, and is essential for late-game survivability. In addition to being mechanically indispensable, Serena grows significantly throughout the story of Dragon Quest XI, becoming much more confident and powerful while overcoming great challenges.

Number 1 – Jessica Albert

In first place from Dragon Quest VIII, Jessica Albert is easily one of the most recognised women in the entire Dragon Quest series. She’s popular for a reason, from her attractive design to her sheer versatility in combat. Unlike other mages, Jesicca can hit hard with offensive spells, then use whips, staves, and knives to deal physical damage. On top of that, Jessica has access to incredibly useful support spells. It’s rare that you won’t want Jessica in your Dragon Quest VIII run. Finally, Jessica has a compelling backstory, bold personality, and significant character growth throughout the adventure that’s sure to keep you invested.

The Final Word:

This top ten list of female Dragon Quest party members just goes to show that excellence comes in all forms. Spanning mages and fighters, damage-dealers and supporters, kind hearts and passionate spirits, each of these women has a lot to contribute to both the narrative and the combat in your Dragon Quest playthrough.

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