Panini America’s Dragon Ball Z TCG is still in its early stages for a trading card game. Some of the mechanics are still improving to enhance players’ interaction. Score’s Dragon Ball Z CCG had a major problem. The problem was the limited amount of material available for the game. Score jumped into Dragon Ball Z and later the company made a new game with Dragon Ball GT. However, Score ran out of footage to use for the game.
Panini America revived the Dragon Ball trading card game at the perfect moment. Dragon Ball Z Trading Card Game has the potential to live longer than its predecessor. The Dragon Ball universe has greatly expanded in the past five years. A lot of material has been released for the franchise. Battle Gods, Xenoverse, Dragon Ball Heroes, and Dragon Ball Super have greatly increased the amount of content that can be used for the trading card game.
Dragon Ball
Score never touched Dragon Ball. There are not cards for a young Goku, King Piccolo, and General Blue. Score missed out on a great opportunity to continue the original game. Panini America should consider taking a look at Dragon Ball. This is where the amazing adventure began.
Battle of Gods & Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’
Battle of Gods was the centerpiece in the resurrection of the Dragon Ball franchise. Old fans and new fans wanted more Dragon Ball. We got it in Resurrection “F” with the return of Lord Frieza. The two latest movies introduced the God of Destruction Beerus and Frieza gained a new transformation. There is a good chance for these movies to be featured in a future booster set. The Tree of Might and Cooler’s Revenge have been included in the current trading card game. I expect Battle of Gods and Resurrection F to be on the list of movies for a future booster set for movies.
Xenoverse & DragonBall Heroes
A few months ago I pitched the idea for a booster set on the video games. Score did not have any footage to use from the video games. Past video games did not have the quality content in today’s games. Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Xenoverse have created endless possibilities for DBZ TCG. Dragon Ball Heroes has many animated scenes that can be used for new cards. We can have never before seen characters and transformations such as Super Saiyan Four Gohan and Time Breaker Bardock! I want Towa and Mira to be added in the game.
Dragon Ball Super
Dragon Ball Super is the current anime for Dragon Ball. The show had a slow start with new versions of the movies’ stories. The show is now a hit with Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Future Trunks, Goku Black, Hit, and Future Zamasu. I would not be surprised if Panini America knew about the Dragon Ball Super before they resurrected DBZ CCG because they knew there would be fresh content available in the future.
Panini America does not need to make a new game for Dragon Ball Super like Score did with Dragon Ball GT. Retain the game’s name and rules. They only need to continue to add new cards in the game. Players would not need to learn new rules. They would not be forced to buy booster boxes and starter decks to be able to make decks for a new game. Players can upgrade classic decks and learn how to play new characters.
The Final Word
Dragon Ball Z Trading Card Game can have many more years under its belt than the original Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game if Panini America utilizes every source of media. Panini America has a lot more material to work with Dragon Ball Z TCG than Score’s DragonBall Z CCG. There is so much potential for amazing booster sets and starter decks for Xenoverse, Heroes, and Dragon Ball Super. I hope Panini America’s staff take advantage of this marvelous opportunity. Dragon Ball Z TCG can be one of the greatest trading card games ever.