Unit of The Week: Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno

Settle the score with your very life. That’s what having integrity is all about!

[CONT](VC):During your turn, if you have three or more units with “Veleno” in their card names, all of your units with “Veleno” in their card names get [Power]+5000, if you have five or more, and your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit gets [Critical]+1.
[AUTO](VC):At the end of the battle your unit was attacked and was not hit, if you played a blitz order that battle, draw a card, and if you did not Counter Charge this turn, Counter Charge (1).

Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno is an insect from Stoicheia. This grade three unit is member of the archetypes of Lascaria and Veleno. She has two abilities as the vanguard. She provides a combination of offense and defense. This unit utilizes blitz orders in her strategy.


  • DZ Booster Set 01: Fated Clash

D-Standard Format:

Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno belongs in a deck with her archetypes of Lascaria and Veleno. Her abilities complement the strategy of Veleno. She provides the offense and defense for the deck.

Furthermore, Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno is the grade three unit in the ride deck. She is the main vanguard of the deck. You want to ride her in every game. She has Persona Ride and her abilities complement this mechanic

First Ability:

Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno adds 5,000 power to all your units with Veleno in their names if you have three units with Veleno in their names on the field. In addition, she gains a critical if you have five or more units with Veleno in their names and the opponent has a grade 3 or greater vanguard. This ability enhances your offense and strengthens all of your units. You can easily fulfill the full potential of this ability.

Many units from the archetype of Veleno benefit from this ability. For example, Veleno Famiglia, Fiore is a stellar grade one unit for this archetype. This grade one unit becomes a strong booster and great option in the back row. Veleno Famiglia, Fiore gains 2,000 power from her ability and 5,000 power from Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno’s ability. Therefore, the total power of Veleno Famiglia, Fiore becomes 15,000 power.

Second Ability:

Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno complements a good defense with her second ability. This grade three unit uses blitz orders for her defensive skill. Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno allows the player to draw a card if he or she successful defends an attack with a blitz order. In addition, the ability allows you to counter charge one damage if you have not counter charged this turn.

This ability provides momentum for a successful defense with blitz orders. You are drawing cards and quickly gaining access to your resources. You have additional cards for defense or cards for your next turn.

For example, Effervescent Shadow Dream Blade is one of the best blitz orders for Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno. Effervescent Shadow Dream Blade adds 20,000 power to one of your units under attack until the end of the battle. It provides a strong defense and is a good defensive option against the opponent’s rear-guards.  You are likely to activate Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno’s ability to draw a card and counter charge one card.

Play these Blitz Orders with Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno
  • Effervescent Shadow Dream Blade


Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno has excellent support from her archetype. Her abilities add power to your units and allow you to draw a card. The support for Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno elevates this card’s abilities and consistency. The support provides offense and key resources such as blitz orders.

Veleno Famiglia, Melial is a stellar card for Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno. Veleno Famiglia, Melial may add a blitz order from the drop zone to your hand or you may superior call a grade 3 or less unit with Veleno in its name from the drop zone. This grade 2 unit returns your blitz order from the drop zone to your hand. Therefore, you have consistent access to cards such as Effervescent Shadow Dream Blade.

Play these cards with Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno!
  • Oath Upon Mother’s Sword, Lascaria
  • Veleno Famiglia, Fiore
  • Veleno Famiglia, Melial

Premium Format:

Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno is a decent card in the premium format because her defensive ability has value. This grade three unit fits with Megacolony. Megacolony’s defense only boosts this unit’s defensive capabilities. 

For instance, Guilty Empress, Darkface Gredora prevents your opponent from stand his or her units during the stand phase. This G-Unit does not allow the opponent to call units other than from the hand. These resections limit the opponent’s offense and attacks per turn.  

Therefore, Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno is more likely to successfully block attacks with her blitz order. The opponent may only limit their number of attacks to conserve his or her hand. Effervescent Shadow Dream Blade with additional cards are likely to block the opponent’s attack. You may draw a card with Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno’s second ability.

Play these cards with word Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno in the Premium Format!
  • Guilty Empress, Darkface Gredora

Card Rating:

Overall, Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno is a good card with effective abilities. She brings a unique style to Stoicheia. This grade three unit has a good combination of offense and defense. She has consistent support, and her support ensures her success. Therefore, I recommend building a Stoicheia deck with Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno

D-Standard Format: 3.5 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

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