Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Review: Magic Cylinder


When an opponent’s monster declares an attack: Target the attacking monster; negate the attack, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its ATK.

Many cards from the early days of Yu-Gi-Oh! have become obsolete cards from the past. Their effects may lure new players to try these cards because they appear good on paper before players test them. One of those cards is Magic Cylinder. This trap first appeared in Labyrinth of Nightmare. This trap was a good card for its time, but it is not a reliable card for today’s meta.


  • Labyrinth of Nightmare


Magic Cylinder negates an opponent’s attack, and it inflicts damage equal to the opposing monster’s ATK. This trap card stops an attack to protect your life points. In addition, it inflicts damage to the opponent.

Furthermore, this trap has the potential to win games under the proper circumstances. The amount of damage has the potential to deplete the opponent’s life pints to zero. It can catch an opponent off guard.

For example, Machina Force has 4,600 ATK and an opponent may double the machine’s ATK to 9,200 with Limiter Removal. An attack from this monster would inflict massive damage. Magic Cylinder may inflict 9,200 damage to the opponent when you activate it during this situation.

However, this opportunity is a situational moment. You cannot rely on it in any game. You will rarely have a moment to win a game with this trap’s effect.


Magic Cylinder has many flaws in the modern game of Yu-Gi-Oh!. These drawbacks cause the card to become inconsistent and unreliable. It provides an advantage with its effect in situational moments when the opponent declares an attack when you have cards on the field.

One of the problems with Magic Cylinder is not its effect. The drawback is its lack of speed, vulnerability, and reliance on the opponent’s actions. It is a trap card and relies on the opponent declaring an attack. It remains set on the field until the conditions are met, or the opponent may destroy it with a card’s effect.

In addition, Magic Cylinder depends on the opponent’s actions. You cannot activate this trap at any time. You must wait for an opponent to declare an attack. The opponent may destroy this trap before they declare an attack.


Magic Cylinder is a generic card. You may play this trap in any deck. It only has support from generic cards with the ability to search for this trap.

A few cards may search for Magic Cylinder. A Cat of Ill Omen and Trap Trick may search for this trap card. They provide simple access to this trap.

Furthermore, Trap Trick is great support for Magic Cylinder. Trap Trick may set this trap card on the field, and you can activate it on the same turn. You gain the full benefits from Magic Cylinder if you can activate it. 

Play these cards with Magic Cylinder!
  • A Cat of Ill Omen
  • Trap Trick

Anime Appearances:

Magic Cylinder is one of Yugi’s signature trap cards from Yu-Gi-Oh!. He plays it in his deck at the start of Battle City. He plays the trap card in many of his duels.

Furthermore, Yugi first plays Magic Cylinder in his duel against Strings under Marik Ishtar’s control. He activates the trap card when Slifer the Sky Dragon attacks Dark Magician Girl. However, Marik Ishtar blocked the attack from Magic Cylinder with  Revival Jam.

  • Yu-Gi-Oh! (anime)

Card Rating:

Overall, Magic Cylinder is mediocre card with an inconsistent effect due to its requirements. This trap is not a reliable card in the modern game of Yu-G-Oh!. It is a situational card and players will rarely gain benefits from its effects. Opponents can easily destroy this trap before you have a chance to activate it. Therefore, I do not recommend playing Magic Cylinder in a competitive deck.

Card Rating: 2.0 out of 5.0 stars

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