Unit of The Week: Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series)

The eternally shining Silver Thorns continues to enchant the world.

[CONT](VC):During your turn, if your soul has a “Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier”, this unit gets [Power]+5000. If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, all of your front row units get [Power]+5000 instead of this unit.
[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Energy Blast (3) & put a card from hand into soul], choose any number of grade 3 or less unit cards each with different grades from your soul, and call them to (RC).
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [put two rear-guards into soul], draw a card, and this unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of that battle. If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, it also gets [Critical]+1 until end of that battle.

Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is a powerful elf from the Dark States. This unit is the evolution of Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series). This card is also the third version of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier in Cardfight!! Vanguard. This version is a legal card in the D-Standard Format and Premium Format.


ReleaseSet NumberSetRarity
08-30-2024DZ-BT03/007ENDZ Booster Set 03: Dimensional TranscendenceRRR

D-Standard Format:

Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is a member of Pale Moon from the Dark States. She is support for Silver Thorns for the D-Standard Format. She complements the archetype’s strategy with her abilities.

In addition, Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is a card for the main deck. The strategy is riding this unit on Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series). The first ability of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) requires Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series) in the soul.

First Ability:

Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) gains 5,000 power during your turn if Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier in the soul. In addition, your rear-guards in the front row gain 5,000 power if your opponent has a vanguard at grade three or greater. This ability ensures power for all units in the front row. The vanguard and your rear-guards will gain this power.

Furthermore, the best strategy with Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is selecting the first turn of the game. You will ride this card before your opponent has a vanguard at grade three. This unit will gain 5,000 power during her first turn as your vanguard. Then, your rear-guards in the front row will gain the 5,000 power for the remainder of the game.

In addition, this ability adds a lot of offense when your opponent has a vanguard at grade three or greater. Both of your rear-guards in the front row gain 5,000 power until the end of the turn. You have the potential to create two strong columns with the rear-guards in the front row.

Second Ability:

The second ability of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is a strong ability. The effect superior calls any of units of grade three or below from the soul. This ability fills your entire field with rear-guards. 

Furthermore, the biggest advantage from this ability is resources. You can conserve your hand for defense. Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) provides the rear-guards from the soul for offense.

In addition, Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian (D Series) is a fantastic option to superior call. Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian (D Series) and Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) create a stellar offense. Their abilities complement each other on the field. Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian (D Series) gains 5,000 power when you place her on the field, and the first ability of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) adds 5,000 power to this grade two unit. Therefore, the total power of Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian (D Series) is 20,000 before a boost.

Third Ability:

Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) gains 5,000 power when she attacks an opponent’s vanguard, and she gains a critical if the opponent’s vanguard is grade three or greater. In addition, she sends two rear-guards to the soul and draws a card. This third ability is a strong combination of power and resources. This grade three unit gains power. You gain resources when you draw a card and build the soul with two new cards.

Furthermore, Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) puts a lot of pressure on the opponent when you prefer a Persona Ride. Her total power becomes 33,000. In addition, she may inflict two damage with a successful attack. 


Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) has great support in the D-Standard Format. The deck has consistency due to the cards in the archetype. Many units have synergy with all three of this unit’s abilities.

Furthermore, Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series) is one of the key cards for Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series). Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) requires this unit in the soul for her full potential. Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series) needs to be your first grade three vanguard from the ride deck.

In addition, Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina (D Series) is a stellar unit to superior call from the soul with the second ability of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series). Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina (D Series) soul charges the top cards of the deck. This grade one unit adding an additional resource to the soul. The soul is a second hand for this archetype. 

Play these cards with Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) in the D-Standard Format!
  • Silver Thorn Assistant, Irina (D Series)
  • Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series)
  • Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian (D Series)
  • Trapeze Actress

Premium Format:

Silver Thorns has an impressive library of support for Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) in the Premium Format. The archetype has G-Units with strong skills. You can build a strong deck around this grade three unit. You will have consistent deck with strong combos.

Silver Thorn Dragon Master, Mystique Luquier is a stellar G-Unit for Silver Thorn and Luquier. You can play this G-Unit with Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series). Silver Thorn Dragon Master, Mystique Luquier soul charges two cards and superior calls two units with Silver Thorn in their names from the soul.

However, Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (V Series) is still a better option than Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) in the Premium Format. Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (V Series) has the Imaginary Gift: Accel. You can build a wave of attacks from the performers of the Pale Moon. You would have a stronger offense with this strategy than a strategy with Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series).

Play these cards with Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) in the Premium Format!

Card Rating:

Overall, Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) deserves the title of empress. Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) is a stellar vanguard to ride after Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier (D Series). This grade three vanguard complements the archetype of her stellar abilities. She provides offense and resources. Therefore, I recommend playing four copies of Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier (D Series) in your deck.

D-Standard Format: 4.0 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 2.5 out of 5.0 stars

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