Unit of The Week: Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla

The Vanguard you love won’t end here.

[ACT](VC)1/Turn:COST [Energy Blast (3)], choose one of your opponent’s rear-guards, bind it, choose up to one grade 2 unit card from your drop, and call it to (RC).
[AUTO](VC):When this unit attacks, COST [Counter Blast (1)], choose one of your grade 2 rear-guards, and [Stand] it.

Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla is a cyber dragon from the Dragon Empire of Cardfight!! Vanguard. This grade three unit is part of the ride deck for Vyrgilla. This unit has the ability of Persona Ride. It also has two additional abilities with effects. It unleashes a fury of offense with its normal orders and fellow grade two rear-guards.


ReleaseCard NumberSetRarity
6-28-2024DZ-BT02/043ENDZ Booster Set 02: Illusionless StrifeR

D-Standard Format:

Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla is the vanguard and final card in the ride deck for Vyrgilla. This unit utilizes the Ultimate Skill of the Stardust Blade. This unit has an offensive strategy for your grade two rear-guards from the Dragon Empire.

In addition, Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla has the ability of Persona Ride. Persona Ride complements this unit’s second ability. This vanguard stands a grade two rear-guard for an additional battle. The 10,000 power from the Persona Ride enhances the grade two rear-guard’s offense.

First Ability:

Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla has control and a resource in a single ability. Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla binds one of the opponent’s rear-guards, and superior calls one of your grade two units from the drop zone. You gain a rear-guard and the opponent loses a rear-guard. 

In addition, this is a great ability for Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. Opponents are likely to target and retire your grade two rear-guards. You can regain access to those units with this ability. You consistently have access to your grade two units.

Furthermore, many decks do not have access to their bind zone. Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla removes access to the opponent’s former rear-guard for the remainder of the game. The opponent cannot call the same card again for the remainder of the game, and he or she must call a copy of the unit.

Second Ability:

Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla stands one of your grade two rear-guards. This ability enables a second attack. You will have at least four battles in combat if you have two rear-guards in the front row.

In addition, Dragon Empire has multiple units for great options. Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla has synergy with many grade two units. Blazing Spear Dragon and Ezerwur are good options for this ability.

Furthermore, Ezerwur is the best option and is the mate for  Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. This grade two unit has 15,000 power. It is a great option to stand for a second battle. It does not need a boost to hit an opposing vanguard. A boost from a rear-guard such as Inductance Dragon would greatly increase Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla’s power to 25,000 during one of his two battles.


Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla has a variety of support from normal units and order cards. Stardust Blade and Union the Sky provide powerful abilities to Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. The support for this card provide a consistent strategy for this vanguard.

Stardust Blade elevates the potential of Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. This normal unit gives the ability to gain 3,000 power for every normal unit as a rear-guard and in the drop zone to Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. It also superior calls a unit from the top five cards of the deck.

Inductance Dragon and Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla are a powerful duo. Inductance Dragon may boost a vanguard or rear-guard despite this card is a grade two unit. Its second ability allows it to boost units. Inductance Dragon may provide a boost of 10,000 power to Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla in battle.

Thundering Dragon King of Battle Dust, Shadlanahda is a stellar over trigger in decks with Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. This over trigger enables multiple battles with this vanguard. This over trigger stands the vanguard. Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla’s second ability does not have a limit. Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla may activate its second ability during a second battle due to the effect of Thundering Dragon King of Battle Dust, Shadlanahda. Therefore, you may stand a grade two rear-guard twice during the battle phase.

Play these cards with Rewrite the star, Vyrgilla in the D-Standard Format!
  • Dragritter, Jabre
  • Inductance Dragon
  • Shooting Star, Vyrgilla
  • Thundering Dragon King of Battle Dust, Shadlanahda
  • Union the Sky

Premium Format:

Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla is a legal card for the clans of the original Dragon Empire in the Premium Format of Cardfight!! Vanguard. You can play this card in clans such as Kagero, Narukami, and Nubatama. The best G-Units for this unit are from Kagero and Narukami.

However, Bushiroad designed Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla for the D-Standard Format. You will need a G-Zone with many generic cards. Dragonic Empire has many generic G-Units with strong abilities.

Conquering Supreme Dragon, Stunverse Dragon is a stellar G-Unit alongside Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla. Conquering Supreme Dragon, Stunverse Dragon may bind up to eight of the opponent’s cards and allows you to draw cards. This G-Unit perfectly complements Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla’s ability to find the opponent’s rear-guards.

In addition, Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Zanbust Dragon from Kagero is a strong G-Unit for all cards from the Dragon Empire. Supreme Heavenly Emperor Dragon, Zanbust Dragon retires all of the opponent’s rear-guard. It is a great G-Unit to pair with Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla.

Play these cards with Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla in the Premium Format!

Card Rating:

Overall, Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla is a good card for the Dragon Empire. Its abilities complement its archetype and support. Many generic cards also enhance the offensive firepower from this vanguard. You can unleash a fury of attacks at the opponent. Therefore, I recommend building a deck with Rewrite the Star, Vyrgilla in the D-Standard Format.

D-Standard Format: 3.0 out of 5.0 stars

Premium Format: 2.0 out of 5.0 stars

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