Come, let the time of dreams begin!
[AUTO](VC) Generation Break 2 (This ability is active if you have two or more face up G units in total on your (VC) or G zone):When this unit attacks a vanguard, choose up to one card from your soul, call it to (RC), that unit and this unit get [Power]+3000 until end of turn.
Magia-[AUTO](VC):[Counter Blast (1)] During your turn, when your G unit Stride, you may pay the cost. If you do, Soul Charge (1), choose up to one card from your soul, call it to (RC), that unit gets [Power]+5000 until end of turn, and at the end of that turn, put the unit called with this effect into your soul.
Masked Magician, Harri debuted in Illusionist of the Crescent Moon. Harri is a grade 3 unit with 11,000 power and a Generation Break skill in the Pale Moon clan. His artwork depicts a childish character which is different than the first series of Pale Moon units. Pale Moon units were known from their beauty such as the Luquier series. He is a famous magician with great talents. He has become of the best magicians in Pale Moon since the great Robert! He became good friends with Chrono Dran.
Harri’s Generation Break superior calls one card from your soul to a rear-guard circle when Harri attacks an opposing vanguard. You will get an additional attack for the turn. The unit will also remain on the field until it is removed by you or a card’s effect. I would superior call a grad 2 for its offensive power and its ability to intercept for defense. Card Dealer, Jacqueline is one of the best cards to use with this effect. Superior call her from your soul and make sure she has a booster as her skill requires a boost. Her skill superior calls another unit from the soul for one more attack!
Masked Magician, Harri’s Stride skill introduces the new term Magia. You Soul Charge one card to superior call one unit from the soul and it gains 5,000 power. The unit is returned to the soul at the end of your turn. This skill is great with classic cards and G-series cards. Jumping Jill gains 3,000 from its skill when it is called from the soul. Jumping Jill will have 17,000 power combined with Harri’s skill.
Finally, you can build pressure from Harri’s Stride skill with Ardor Dragon Master, Amanda. Amanda’s Stride skill activates when her attack hits a vanguard, and you can superior call one unit from the soul. Your new unit also gains 2,000 power. That is just enough power for a grade 2 unit to be able to hit your opponent’s vanguard. Amanda’s skill will give you another attack for the turn. That is a total of five attacks in a single turn.
To put it briefly, Masked Magician, Harri has many tricks in his hat. If you are on a budget and want to play a Pale Moon deck, then Harri is a good choice. Harri’s skills are a good representation of Pale Moon’s strategy to superior call units from the soul. The abilities are basic for any player to quickly learn how to play with Pale Moon decks. His abilities work well with classic cards and the G-series cards. Harri will train you to become a master of Pale Moon in no time!
Card Rating: [usr 3.5]