Shadowverse Card Review: Tsubaki

Class: Swordcraft

Follower: Assassin/Ninja

Attack: 5 Defense: 4

Fanfare: Choose one of the following effects. (1) Select an enemy follower on the field and destroy it. (2) Give this follower Storm. (Followers with Storm can attack enemy followers and leaders on the turn they’re put onto your field.)

Tsubaki is an assassin from Swordcraft. This card is a powerful follower in the late game. This follower has the ability of storm. She also has the option to destroy an enemy follower instead of obtaining storm. Many decks of Swordcraft gain benefit from this card.


Release DateSet NumberSetRarity
6/30/2023SD02-001ENSD02: Blade of ResentmentLegendary


Tsubaki has fanfare with two options. You can only select one of her effects. You may either destroy an opponent’s follower or give storm to Tsubaki.

Furthermore, both options have their advantages. The first effect controls the field for your advantage. The second effect is an offensive ability, and you can win the game if the opponent’s leader has five or less defense.

First Effect:

Tsubaki may destroy one of the opponent’s followers on the field. She provides removal for Swordcraft. She destroys one of the opponent’s best followers from the field.

Therefore, Tsubaki is a problem solver. You may select this effect if you need to remove an opposing follower from the field. This choice counters the opponent’s strategy. 

Second Effect:

Tsubaki gains storm from her Fanfare if you select this option. She is able to attack the opposing leader or follower on her first turn. She has five attack, and her strong offense is a great presence in the late game.

Therefore, Tsubaki is a dangerous follower in the late game. She inflicts five damage at the opponent’s leader on the turn when you summon her. The opponent loses twenty-five percent of their life from a single attack from this follower.

In addition, Tsubaki can win the game under the proper conditions.  An opposing leader with five or less defense is a vulnerable player. Tsubaki wins the game with a successful attack at an opposing leader with five or less defense.  


Tsubaki is a generic card for Swordcraft. You can insert her in any deck for the class. Her fanfare with storm is an advantageous ability. Every deck benefits from her potential to win the game in the late game due to her ability of storm. 

Gemstaff Commander can search for Tsubaki. Gemstaff Command is a stellar card for Swordcraft because she can search for this follower. You can get access to Tsubaki when you want her on the field during the late game. You can add Tsubaki to your hand with the fanfare of Gemstaff Command.

Furthermore, Royal Banner is a stellar amulet for Tsubaki. This amulet adds one attack and one defense to this follower. Therefore, Tsubaki’s attack is now six and her defense is five. She can deal six damage to the opponent’s leader on the same turn when you play her.

In addition, Armor of the Stars provides one attack, two defense, and protection for Tsubaki. The most important advantage is the protection from this spell. Armor of the Stars gives aura to Tsubaki. The opponent cannot target this follower with abilities.  Therefore, Tsubaki becomes a follower with 6 attack, 6 defense, and aura.

Play these cards with Tsubaki!
  • Armor of the Stars
  • Gemstaff Commander
  • Royal Banner

Card Rating:

Overall, Tsubaki is a stellar card from Blade of Resentment. Every deck from Swordcraft gain benefits from this follower in the late game. She can win the game if the opponent has five or less defense. A single attack from her ends the game because this follower has storm and five attack. Therefore, I recommend playing Tsubaki in your deck.

Card Rating:  4.0 out of 5.0 stars

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